Pro Basketball Academy


Pro Basketball Academy was born from an idea of technical specialization to allow children to prepare themselves in the best way for the next competitive season. The Camp is organized to provide a high-level service to a selection of athletes who will be given the opportunity to work with some of the best professionals in the national basketball scene. The students will be followed individually in all phases of technical and physical preparation and a work sheet will be prepared to be carried out independently during the off season. The idea is to provide athletes with a valid tool with the aim of empowering them, helping them to make the most of their talent and teaching them to be their own first coaches.

Technical area
Mario Floris

Technical area
Stefano Pillastrini

Alessandro Bellucci

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Alessandro Ferracini is the person in charge of the technical selection of the boys who will participate in the Camp. The specialization week will be communicated directly to the children and their families after the publication of the lists of the players who will participate in the meetings of the national youth team of reference. The boys will be selected between 16 and 22 years of age and will be placed in groups of 4/6 athletes who will alternate in 2 technical training sessions and one physical preparation session per day. Athletes will be able to deal with professional work rhythms and the conditions will be created for their growth in every aspect of the game.


Fill out the form below and send your application.